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杜明锋, 李乾, 王泽, 蔡晓杰, 张凯. 东海L区块螺杆马达搭配复合冲击器提速技术研究与应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2023, 43(1): 68-72, 81. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2023.01.068
引用本文: 杜明锋, 李乾, 王泽, 蔡晓杰, 张凯. 东海L区块螺杆马达搭配复合冲击器提速技术研究与应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2023, 43(1): 68-72, 81. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2023.01.068
DU MingFeng, LI Qian, WANG Ze, CAI XiaoJie, ZHANG Kai. Research and Application of Speed-up Technology of Screw Motor Combined with Composite Impactor in Block L of East China Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 2023, 43(1): 68-72, 81. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2023.01.068
Citation: DU MingFeng, LI Qian, WANG Ze, CAI XiaoJie, ZHANG Kai. Research and Application of Speed-up Technology of Screw Motor Combined with Composite Impactor in Block L of East China Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 2023, 43(1): 68-72, 81. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2023.01.068


Research and Application of Speed-up Technology of Screw Motor Combined with Composite Impactor in Block L of East China Sea

  • 摘要: 中海油东海海域L区块地层可钻性较差,瓯江组存在大段含砾中砂岩和砂砾岩,单只钻头进尺短,灵峰组以泥岩、粉砂质泥岩为主,钻头吃入困难,机械钻速(ROP)低、井眼浸泡时间长,易发生钻具遇阻和卡钻等复杂情况。为提高该区块钻井效率、缩短钻井周期,加快L区块油气田勘探开发进程,开展了钻井提速实践探究。该文总结分析L区块已钻井提速现状,综合考虑螺杆马达和复合冲击器两种不同类型的提速工具工作原理,将螺杆马达与复合冲击器配套使用,强化钻头攻击性和布齿技术,应用于L区块直探井瓯江组砾石层和灵峰组泥岩段,提速效果显著,很好地解决了该区块单只钻头进尺短、磨损严重、机械钻速低和井斜不易控制等难题,创该区块单只钻头最长进尺记录,实现了12-1/4″井眼一趟钻工程。该技术可在类似区域直探井推广应用。


    Abstract: The drillability of Block L in East China Sea of CNOOC is poor. There are large sections of pebbly medium sandstone and sandy conglomerate in Oujiang Formation, and the footage of a single bit is short. Lingfeng Formation is dominated by mudstone and silty mudstone, which makes it difficult for bits to eat and causes low rate of penetration (ROP) and long borehole immersion time. It is prone to complex situations such as drilling tool obstruction and sticking. In order to improve the drilling efficiency, shorten the drilling cycle and accelerate the exploration and development process of oil and gas fields in Block L, the practical exploration of drilling speed was carried out. After summarizing and analyzing the current situation of drilling speed-up in Block L, this paper comprehensively considers the working principles of two different types of speed-up tools: screw motor and composite impactor, innovatively explores the matching use of screw motor and composite impactor, and strengthens bit aggressiveness and tooth arrangement technology. It is applied to the gravel layer of Oujiang Formation and mudstone section of Lingfeng Formation in Block L direct exploration well, with remarkable speed-up effect. The problems such as short footage of a single bit, serious wear and tear, low mechanical penetration rate and difficult to control well deviation in this block have been well solved, the record of the longest footage of a single bit in this block has been set, and the one-time drilling project of 12-1/4″ borehole has been realized. It can be popularized and applied in direct exploration wells in similar areas.


