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陈泽光, 李东杰, 吴奇兵, 李文涛. 渤海海域岸电工程锚害分析[J]. 海洋石油, 2022, 42(2): 109-115. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2022.02.109
引用本文: 陈泽光, 李东杰, 吴奇兵, 李文涛. 渤海海域岸电工程锚害分析[J]. 海洋石油, 2022, 42(2): 109-115. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2022.02.109
CHEN Zeguang, LI Dongjie, WU Qibing, LI Wentao. Analysis on Anchor Damage of Shore Power Engineering in Bohai Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 2022, 42(2): 109-115. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2022.02.109
Citation: CHEN Zeguang, LI Dongjie, WU Qibing, LI Wentao. Analysis on Anchor Damage of Shore Power Engineering in Bohai Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 2022, 42(2): 109-115. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2022.02.109


Analysis on Anchor Damage of Shore Power Engineering in Bohai Sea

  • 摘要: 为保障渤海区域海上油田开发生产和岸电高压海缆安全平稳运行,针对渤海区域岸电项目涉及的110 ~220 kV岸电高压海缆开展锚害分析。通过全面的危险辨识与风险分析,识别海底电缆受船舶锚害主要危险因素,从风险角度出发,对岸电高压海缆受锚害发生的概率和锚对海缆的贯入深度进行定量的分析计算,评估锚害对海缆伤害等级,在此基础上提出高压海缆锚害安全对策措施及建议。该文对岸电项目在高压海缆安全运行和风险管控等方面具有重要的指导意义。


    Abstract: In order to ensure the development and production of offshore oilfields and the safe and stable operation of shore power high-voltage submarine cables in Bohai Sea, the analysis of damage caused by anchors was carried out for 110 ~220 kV shore power high-voltage offshore cables. Through comprehensive risk identification and risk analysis, the main risk factors for submarine cables damaged by anchors were identified. From the perspective of risk, the probability of anchor damage to shore power high-voltage submarine cables and the penetration depth of anchors to submarine cables were quantitatively analyzed and calculated, and the damage level of anchor damage to submarine cable were evaluated, on the basis of which, safety countermeasures and suggestions for anchor damage of high-voltage submarine cable were put forward. This paper has important guiding significance in the safe operation and risk control of high-voltage submarine cables.


