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朱睿哲, 王改革, 严曙梅, 孙莉, 金璨, 吕鹏. 基于体元构造建模方法的复杂断层封堵性研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2022, 42(2): 28-38. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2022.02.028
引用本文: 朱睿哲, 王改革, 严曙梅, 孙莉, 金璨, 吕鹏. 基于体元构造建模方法的复杂断层封堵性研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2022, 42(2): 28-38. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2022.02.028
ZHU Ruizhe, WANG Gaige, YAN Shumei, SUN Li, JIN Can, LV Peng. Fault Sealing Analysis of Complex Faults Based on Volume-based Structural Modeling[J]. Offshore oil, 2022, 42(2): 28-38. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2022.02.028
Citation: ZHU Ruizhe, WANG Gaige, YAN Shumei, SUN Li, JIN Can, LV Peng. Fault Sealing Analysis of Complex Faults Based on Volume-based Structural Modeling[J]. Offshore oil, 2022, 42(2): 28-38. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2022.02.028


Fault Sealing Analysis of Complex Faults Based on Volume-based Structural Modeling

  • 摘要: 受限于有限的断层表征手段,目前针对复杂断块油气田的断层封堵性尚无有效的综合评价方法。基于体元的构造建模技术,能够不受地震解释质量的限制,精确地在三维空间里建立地质模型。进一步依据三维地质模型,从几何形态、粗糙程度、断层与地层接触关系、断层两侧岩性对接情况以及断层泥岩涂抹等5个方面对断层面进行断层封堵性特征描述,再用神经网络算法对断层封堵性各项指标进行综合分类评价。通过实例样本的应用,为开发阶段高精度断层封堵性研究提供了思路,证实使用基于体元的构造建模技术为基础的复杂断层封堵性研究相对于传统方法具有明显优势。


    Abstract: Due to limited fault characterization method, there is no effective method to comprehensively evaluate fault sealing in complex fault-block oil and gas fields. The volume-based structural modeling technology can accurately establish a 3D geological model without being limited by the quality of seismic interpretation. According to the 3D geological model, the fault sealing characteristics are described on the fault plane from five aspects (geometry, asperity, fault offset, juxtaposition and fault clay prediction). Then a neural net algorithm is used to comprehensively classify and evaluate various indicators of fault sealing. Through the application of samples, it provides ideas for high-precision fault sealing analysis in the development stage. It shows that fault sealing analysis of complex faults based on volume-based structural modeling has obvious advantages over traditional methods.


