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方培林, 杨凯, 王冬, 王新亮. 渤海油田某FPSO污水舱沉积物的分散处理[J]. 海洋石油, 2021, 41(3): 88-93. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.088
引用本文: 方培林, 杨凯, 王冬, 王新亮. 渤海油田某FPSO污水舱沉积物的分散处理[J]. 海洋石油, 2021, 41(3): 88-93. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.088
FANG Peilin, YANG Kai, WANG Dong, WANG Xinliang. Dispering Treatment of Sediment in a FPSO Sewage Tank of Bohai Oilfield[J]. Offshore oil, 2021, 41(3): 88-93. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.088
Citation: FANG Peilin, YANG Kai, WANG Dong, WANG Xinliang. Dispering Treatment of Sediment in a FPSO Sewage Tank of Bohai Oilfield[J]. Offshore oil, 2021, 41(3): 88-93. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.088


Dispering Treatment of Sediment in a FPSO Sewage Tank of Bohai Oilfield

  • 摘要: 渤海某油田FPSO污水舱,污水长时间存放后会在舱底及船舱壁上形成一种特殊的沉积物,该沉积物质地坚硬,人工清理困难,常规的溶剂、酸与碱均不能溶解它。为高效清除污水舱沉积物,此文采用扫描电镜、能谱仪与X射线衍射方法,分析了这种特殊沉积物的主要成分为次生黏土矿物,通过对沉积物的浸泡、解体试验,筛选了3种能够较好分散该沉积物的新型分散剂。结合试验结果,分析了该沉积物的形成机理,提出针对该沉积物的化学清舱处理技术,可降低人工清舱作业难度与强度,避免人员伤害,可应用于污水舱不需开舱情况下的沉积物清理。


    Abstract: In an FPSO sewage tank of Bohai Oilfield, a special sediment will form on the bilge and the bulkhead of the ship after along period of storage. The sediment is hard, which is difficult to remove manually and cannot be dissolved by conventional solvent, acid or alkalis. In order to efficiently remove the sediment in the sewage tank, we use SEM, EDS and XRD to analyze the main component of this special sediment assecondary clay minerals. Through the immersion and disintegration test of the sediment, three new dispersants have been developed, which can disperse these diment better in the dissolution test. Combined with the test results, the staff study the formation mechanism, and a treatment technology for this special sediment is proposed, which can reduce the difficulty and intensity of manual cleaning operations and avoid personnel injuries. It can be applied to the sediment cleaning in the case of inconvenient opening of the sewage tank.


