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刘永刚, 肖兰兰. 自升式钻井平台Aker操作系统应用探讨[J]. 海洋石油, 2021, 41(3): 60-66. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.060
引用本文: 刘永刚, 肖兰兰. 自升式钻井平台Aker操作系统应用探讨[J]. 海洋石油, 2021, 41(3): 60-66. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.060
LIU Yonggang, XIAO Lanlan. Discussion on the Application of Aker Drilling Operating System in Jack-up Rig[J]. Offshore oil, 2021, 41(3): 60-66. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.060
Citation: LIU Yonggang, XIAO Lanlan. Discussion on the Application of Aker Drilling Operating System in Jack-up Rig[J]. Offshore oil, 2021, 41(3): 60-66. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.060


Discussion on the Application of Aker Drilling Operating System in Jack-up Rig

  • 摘要: Aker Solutions 钻井包是当今世界最先进的钻井操作系统和钻井设备之一,目前如“海洋石油981”、“勘探七号”等国内多个先进的海洋钻井平台都装配了该系统。文章以“勘探七号”为例介绍了该系统在自升式钻井平台应用方面的经验细节,深化了对已有设备说明书的理解。文章分别介绍了顶驱、绞车、泥浆泵、铁钻工等设备的一些操作技巧,以及对Aker DIS互锁系统的认识和合理使用,从而进一步阐述了应该如何用会、用好先进设备,达到安全高效作业的目的。文章对装配Aker Solutions 钻井包的钻井平台安全高效作业具有一定的指导意义,对其他类型的钻井平台也有一定借鉴作用。


    Abstract: Aker solutions drilling package is one of the most advanced drilling operation systems in the world. At present, many domestic advanced drilling platforms, such as “OFFSHORE OIL 981” and “KAN TAN 7”, are equipped with this system. Taking “KAN TAN 7”as an example, this paper introduces the experience and details of the application of the system in jack-up drilling platform, deepening the understanding of the existing equipment specifications. This paper introduces some operation skills of top drive, winch, mud pump and hydraulic roughneck, as well as the cognition and rational use of Aker DIS(Drilling Interlock System), then gives guidelines on how to use the advanced equipment to achieve safe and efficient operation. This paper has a certain guiding significance for the safe and efficient operation of the drilling platform equipped with Aker solutions drilling package, and it can also be used as a reference for other types of drilling platforms.


