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刘若雨, 盛志超, 田彬, 湛祥惠, 刘方圆. 海上边水气藏利用试井资料确定水侵状况研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2021, 41(3): 27-31. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.027
引用本文: 刘若雨, 盛志超, 田彬, 湛祥惠, 刘方圆. 海上边水气藏利用试井资料确定水侵状况研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2021, 41(3): 27-31. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.027
LIU Ruoyu, SHENG Zhichao, TIAN Bin, ZHAN Xianghui, LIU Fangyuan. Recognized Water Invasion by Well Testing Result in Offshore Edge Water Gas Reservoir[J]. Offshore oil, 2021, 41(3): 27-31. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.027
Citation: LIU Ruoyu, SHENG Zhichao, TIAN Bin, ZHAN Xianghui, LIU Fangyuan. Recognized Water Invasion by Well Testing Result in Offshore Edge Water Gas Reservoir[J]. Offshore oil, 2021, 41(3): 27-31. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.03.027


Recognized Water Invasion by Well Testing Result in Offshore Edge Water Gas Reservoir

  • 摘要: 气藏开发早期判断水侵状况,对于气井出水的防治、气藏采收率的提高有着重要的影响。海上油气田在勘探时期或生产初期,较少钻探气藏边部探井或开发井。投入生产后,早期边水影响不明显的气藏会被错误认为是定容气藏,盲目提高采气速度,造成边水推进过快,当边水开始对气井产生影响时,生产形势往往已不容乐观。该文通过分析不稳定试井成果以确定气水界面并对海上某气田X-3井的实例进行探讨,研究了边水气藏见水前水侵状况的合理判断方法。针对所有气井均未见水的气藏,对其水气关系进行判断,从而在生产早期配置合理采气速度,防止边水快速推进,达到延长稳产期,提高采收率的效果。


    Abstract: In the initial stage of gas reservoir development, water invasion recognizing is significant for preventing water producing and increasing recovery efficiency. In offshore oil and gas reservoir, exploratory and production wells were rarely drilled at the margins of gas reservoirs during the exploration period or the early stage of production.Therefore, after production, some gas reservoirs which have no obvious edge water influence in the early stage would be wrongly recognized as constant volume gas reservoirs, and gas production rate would be increased blindly, which leads to edge water advancing faster. When the edge water starts to affect gas well production, the situation is often not optimistic. In this paper, by analyzing the results of unstable well testing, the gas-water interface is determined and an example of well X-3 in an offshore gas field is discussed. Consequently, a reasonable method for judging the water intrusion status before water breakthrough in a edge water gas reservoir is studied. For gas reservoirs with no water, the water-gas relationship could be recognized so as to configure a reasonable gas production rate. Finally, the advancing rate of edge water would be slower, and both of stable production period and recovery efficiency will be increased.


