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邹建文, 施炎武. 水下机器人在OBN海底布放中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2021, 41(2): 109-114. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.02.109
引用本文: 邹建文, 施炎武. 水下机器人在OBN海底布放中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2021, 41(2): 109-114. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.02.109
ZOU Jianwen, SHI Yanwu. Application of ROV in OBN Subsea Deployment[J]. Offshore oil, 2021, 41(2): 109-114. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.02.109
Citation: ZOU Jianwen, SHI Yanwu. Application of ROV in OBN Subsea Deployment[J]. Offshore oil, 2021, 41(2): 109-114. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2021.02.109


Application of ROV in OBN Subsea Deployment

  • 摘要: 目前,OBN海底布放通常采用人工抛放和水下机器人精确布放相结合的方式,在水深小于100 m、流速较小、水下地形平坦区域采用人工抛放;在水深大于100 m、流速较大、水下地形较复杂区域采用ROV精确布放。因为ROV单次下水可携带的OBN数量有限,这严重制约了ROV精确布放OBN的效率,此文结合实际工程案例介绍了一种专门设计的ROV友好式OBN释放系统及ROV布放操作方式,基于ROV友好式设计理念,按设计的操作方式可安全、快捷地从释放系统中取出OBN,实现在水下连续不间断地布放,避免频繁回收释放ROV造成时效延误,从而大幅提高ROV精确布放OBN的效率。


    Abstract: At present, the deployments of Ocean Bottom Nodes (OBN) are usually carried out by two methods, lowering down from the vessel deck directly with connected securing cables, or deployment subsea via ROV. The method of lowering OBNs down from vessel deck directly is used in areas with water depth less than 100 m, low current conditions and flat seabed terrain. The ROV deployment method will be used in areas with water depth more than 100 m. It can be deployed in higher velocity current conditions and on complex underwater terrain environments. The number of OBNs carried by ROV is normally limited to each ROV launch, which will greatly limit the efficiency of any accurate OBN deployment by ROV. This paper introduces a bespoke ROV-friendly OBN launch and recovery system (LARS). Based on an ROV-friendly design concept, a large number of OBNs can be safely and quickly taken out from the launch and recovery system and deployed by the ROV in quick successions. This achieved continuous and uninterrupted subsea deployment, avoiding time delays which would have been caused by the frequent launch and recovery of the ROV system. The efficiency of accurate OBN deployment by ROV was thereby greatly improved.


