Comparison and Application of Repair Schemes for Damaged Members of Jacket Platform
摘要: 导管架平台受损杆件修复方法主要有内部灌浆、安装卡箍和更换杆件等。此文针对某海域某油气田导管架平台被船舶碰撞受损事件,论述了平台受损和结构检测过程,对修复方案进行了比选,最终达到了修复的目的,并给出了结论和建议,可供其他项目借鉴。Abstract: The repair methods for damaged members of jacket platform mainly include internal grouting, installation of clamps and replacement of members. In this paper, the process of platform damage and structure detection was discussed in view of the collision and damage event of jacket platform of an oil and gas field in a certain sea area.The repair scheme was compared and selected, and finally achieved the goal of repair, gave the conclusions and recommendations for other projects.