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霍进杰, 李静, 陈文利, 师林齐, 祁明霞. 三维构造演化分析在断陷盆地深层断块目标优选中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2016, 36(1): 32-35. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2016.01.032
引用本文: 霍进杰, 李静, 陈文利, 师林齐, 祁明霞. 三维构造演化分析在断陷盆地深层断块目标优选中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2016, 36(1): 32-35. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2016.01.032
HUO Jinjie, LI Jing, CHEN Wenli, SHI Linqi, QI Mingxia. Analysis of 3D Structure Evolution and Its Application to Target Optimization in Deep Fault Block of Rift Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2016, 36(1): 32-35. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2016.01.032
Citation: HUO Jinjie, LI Jing, CHEN Wenli, SHI Linqi, QI Mingxia. Analysis of 3D Structure Evolution and Its Application to Target Optimization in Deep Fault Block of Rift Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2016, 36(1): 32-35. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2016.01.032


Analysis of 3D Structure Evolution and Its Application to Target Optimization in Deep Fault Block of Rift Basin

  • 摘要: 以南图尔盖盆地Akshabulak南次凹为例,介绍了三维构造演化分析在断陷盆地深层断块目标优选中的应用。通过三维构造演化分析的运用克服了研究区常规二维构造演化分析不能全面直观反映构造特征的缺点,从整体上更全面地认识了研究区不同地质时期的构造特征,综合烃源岩和油气成藏的认识,最终指出研究区南部的正反转构造带是下步勘探的有利区,其上的断块圈闭是下步勘探的最有利目标。


    Abstract: In this paper, with Akshabulak sub-sag of South Tuergai basin as an example, a brief introduction has been made on 3D structure evolution analysis and its application to target optimization in deep fault block of rift basin. The structural characteristics of study area can not be reflected fully with conventional 2D structure evolution analysis. Through 3D structure evolution analysis, this shortcoming can been overcome. The structural characteristics of the study area in different geological period can be understood comprehensively. Combined with understanding about source rock and hydrocarbon accumulation, it has been made clearly that the positive inversion structural belt in the southern part of the study area is the most favorable area for the next exploration, and the fault block traps are the most favorable exploration targets for the future.


