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赵卫军, 周吉春, 尹晓君, 侯慧杰, 于浩业. 北三台凸起浅层油气特征分析及勘探有利区[J]. 海洋石油, 2016, 36(1): 23-27. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2016.01.023
引用本文: 赵卫军, 周吉春, 尹晓君, 侯慧杰, 于浩业. 北三台凸起浅层油气特征分析及勘探有利区[J]. 海洋石油, 2016, 36(1): 23-27. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2016.01.023
ZHAO Weijun, ZHOU Jichun, YIN Xiaojun, HOU Huijie, YU Haoye. Analysis about the Characteristics of Shallow Oil and Gas and Favorable Exploration Area in Beisantai Uplift[J]. Offshore oil, 2016, 36(1): 23-27. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2016.01.023
Citation: ZHAO Weijun, ZHOU Jichun, YIN Xiaojun, HOU Huijie, YU Haoye. Analysis about the Characteristics of Shallow Oil and Gas and Favorable Exploration Area in Beisantai Uplift[J]. Offshore oil, 2016, 36(1): 23-27. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2016.01.023


Analysis about the Characteristics of Shallow Oil and Gas and Favorable Exploration Area in Beisantai Uplift

  • 摘要: 北三台凸起浅层(古近系、新近系)录井、测井及试油资料揭示,北三台凸起的东部古近系主要为油气显示井及没有工业油流的稠油井,测井表明东部含油砂具有油层的特征,近源的西部只有北27、西泉4和西泉011三口井见到了油气显示;沉积相为冲积扇,砂体沉积后发育了一大套水进的厚层泥岩,为圈闭的形成提供了良好的条件;放射性五参数综合评价表明,北27井区上、下倾方是油气的有利区,但上倾显示微弱,下倾方向为有利区。北三台凸起西部下倾方勘探时一定要兼探深层,降低勘探风险。


    Abstract: It is revealed by the data of single-well testing, logging and production testing from the shallow layers (Paleogene and Neogene) of Beisantai Uplift that, oil and gas shows are mainly found in the wells penetrated Paleogene in the east of Beisantai Uplift. The oils were mainly heavy oil, and no commercial oil flowing had been found. The logging results indicated that the oil bearing sands have the characteristics of oil layers in the east. Proximal in the west, oil and gas shows have been seen only in three wells, North-27, Xiquan-4 and Xiquan-011. The sedimentary facies is alluvial fan. A large set of thick transgressive mudstone was deposited after sedimentation of sandstones, which provides good condition for trap formation. The evaluation results through radioactive radon, spectrometry uranium, thorium, uranium, grass Gamma and comprehensive show that the areas along up dip and down dip direction of well block-north 27 are favorable oil and gas zones, and the areas along the down dip direction are the most favorable area for oil and gas accumulation. Finally, it is pointed out that in order to reduce the exploration risk in this region, the deep oil layers should be also exploration targets when conducting exploration along the down dip direction in the west of Beisantai Uplift.


