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张晓广, 邵明仁, 傅文伟, 周雪峰. Geo-Pilot旋转导向钻井系统在水平分支井中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2013, 33(1): 92-95. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2013.01.092
引用本文: 张晓广, 邵明仁, 傅文伟, 周雪峰. Geo-Pilot旋转导向钻井系统在水平分支井中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2013, 33(1): 92-95. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2013.01.092
ZHANG Xiaoguang, SHAO Mingren, FU Wenwei, ZHOU Xuefeng. Application of Geo-Pilot Rotary Steerable Drilling System in Horizontal Multilateral Well[J]. Offshore oil, 2013, 33(1): 92-95. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2013.01.092
Citation: ZHANG Xiaoguang, SHAO Mingren, FU Wenwei, ZHOU Xuefeng. Application of Geo-Pilot Rotary Steerable Drilling System in Horizontal Multilateral Well[J]. Offshore oil, 2013, 33(1): 92-95. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2013.01.092


Application of Geo-Pilot Rotary Steerable Drilling System in Horizontal Multilateral Well

  • 摘要: 为了克服地层倾角大(5~8°)及油层深度比设计深度浅(着陆时发现油层深度提前了约10 m)的影响,渤海旅大27-2油田某并在ø216 mm井眼中使用了Geo-Pilot旋转导向钻井系统。在使用该系统中采取了钻头上部增加限流器、增大水眼面积和控时钻进等措施来满足作业要求,最终创下了渤海水平分支井井斜最大的记录,也刷新了Geo-Pilot旋转导向钻井系统在井斜95°以上井眼中钻出分支井眼的世界记录。事实证明:Geo-Pilot旋转导向钻井系统可用来解决在软地层中钻水平分支井出现的井下摩阻大、造斜困难等问题。


    Abstract: In order to overcome the influence of large formation dip (5~8° and the shallow reservoir depth (about 10 m shallower than the target depth), Geo-Pilot rotary steerable drilling system was used in a ø216 mm borehole of Lvda 27-2 oilfield in Bohai Bay. Some measures such as adding current limiter on the bit, increasing hydrophthalmus area and slowing drilling have been taken to meet the requirements. Ultimately, a record of maximum inclination of horizontal-multilateral well in Bohai was created, mean-while, a world record of Geo-Pilot (drilled a horizontal-multilateral borehole the inclination of which is more than 95°) was created. Facts show that Geo-Pilot rotary steerable drilling system can be used to resolve the problems about high friction and deflecting hard while drilling horizontal-multilateral wells in soft formation.


