In order to overcome the influence of large formation dip (5~8° and the shallow reservoir depth (about 10 m shallower than the target depth), Geo-Pilot rotary steerable drilling system was used in a ø216 mm borehole of Lvda 27-2 oilfield in Bohai Bay. Some measures such as adding current limiter on the bit, increasing hydrophthalmus area and slowing drilling have been taken to meet the requirements. Ultimately, a record of maximum inclination of horizontal-multilateral well in Bohai was created, mean-while, a world record of Geo-Pilot (drilled a horizontal-multilateral borehole the inclination of which is more than 95°) was created. Facts show that Geo-Pilot rotary steerable drilling system can be used to resolve the problems about high friction and deflecting hard while drilling horizontal-multilateral wells in soft formation.