Study and Measures for the Complex Condition during Drilling on Coal Beds in the X Structure of East China Sea
摘要: 针对东海X构造煤系地层钻进过程中出现的起下钻频繁遇阻问题,从复杂情况统计分析入手,以岩石力学及理化试验为基础,分析目前东海X构造钻井复杂情况的原因,提出了解决复杂情况方法及技术措施,为今后该构造钻遇类似地层提供参考与借鉴。Abstract: Sticking occurred frequently during tripping while drilling into the coal beds in the X structure of East China Sea. Through statistic analysis on the basis of rock mechanics and chemical tests, the reasons for the complex condition during well drilling were analyzed deeply. Technical measures to solve the complex conditions have been put forward, which provide the basis for the safe and efficient drilling work in the future.