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修安鹏, 车燕, 许世红, 陈云锋, 姜颖, 周红建, 任凤楼. 开鲁盆地茫汉断陷构造演化及其对油气成藏的影响[J]. 海洋石油, 2012, 32(4): 38-41. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.04.038
引用本文: 修安鹏, 车燕, 许世红, 陈云锋, 姜颖, 周红建, 任凤楼. 开鲁盆地茫汉断陷构造演化及其对油气成藏的影响[J]. 海洋石油, 2012, 32(4): 38-41. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.04.038
XIU Anpeng, CHE Yan, XU Shihong, CHEN Yunfeng, JIANG Yin, ZHOU Hongjian, REN Fenglou. The Impact of Structural Evolution on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Manghan Fault Depression in Kailu Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2012, 32(4): 38-41. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.04.038
Citation: XIU Anpeng, CHE Yan, XU Shihong, CHEN Yunfeng, JIANG Yin, ZHOU Hongjian, REN Fenglou. The Impact of Structural Evolution on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Manghan Fault Depression in Kailu Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2012, 32(4): 38-41. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.04.038


The Impact of Structural Evolution on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Manghan Fault Depression in Kailu Basin

  • 摘要: 茫汉断陷位于松辽盆地西南隆起区,属于后期改造型盆地。由于对其构造演化过程认识不清制约了研究区勘探工作的进展。利用平衡剖面技术对研究区的构造演化特征进行了研究,厘清了各时期的构造特征,明确了研究区构造格局,进而指出了构造演化对研究区烃源、储层、圈闭以及成藏主控因素的影响。


    Abstract: Manghan fault depression is situated in southwestern uplifted area of Songliao basin, being reconstruction basin. Without sufficient understanding of its tectonic evolution, the analysis about its petroleum geological condition can not meet the requirements of petroleum exploration. With balanced section method, study of tectonic evolution of Manghan fault depression has been conducted, and the tectonic character in different period has been understood. In addition, the tectonic framework has been made clear in the study area, and the influence of the tectonic evolution on hydrocarbon source rock, reservoir, trapping and the major control factors for HC accumulation have been pointed out.


