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黄兰, 李会娟, 刘曼丽, 朱建峰. 长岭断陷东岭地区火一段沉积相[J]. 海洋石油, 2012, 32(4): 28-32. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.04.028
引用本文: 黄兰, 李会娟, 刘曼丽, 朱建峰. 长岭断陷东岭地区火一段沉积相[J]. 海洋石油, 2012, 32(4): 28-32. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.04.028
HUANG Lan, LI Huijuan, LIU Manli, ZHU Jianfeng. Sedimentary Fades of the First Member of Huoshiling Formation in Changling Fault Depression[J]. Offshore oil, 2012, 32(4): 28-32. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.04.028
Citation: HUANG Lan, LI Huijuan, LIU Manli, ZHU Jianfeng. Sedimentary Fades of the First Member of Huoshiling Formation in Changling Fault Depression[J]. Offshore oil, 2012, 32(4): 28-32. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.04.028


Sedimentary Fades of the First Member of Huoshiling Formation in Changling Fault Depression

  • 摘要: 利用现有钻井的岩心、测井和地震等资料,对松辽盆地南部长岭断陷东岭地区火石岭组一段的总体沉积特征进行了研究。通过对研究区取心井的岩心分析,并结合单井沉积微相分析,认为该区域火一段主要发育扇三角洲相和湖泊相。扇三角洲相可进一步划分为三角洲平原亚相(发育辫状河道、分流河道间等微相)和三角洲前缘亚相(发育水下分流河道、水下分流河道间、河口坝、前缘席状砂等微相)。湖泊相主要发育半深湖一深湖亚相。通过对该区火一段沉积相的平面展布特征研究表明,火一段的砂体主要分布于火一Ⅱ、Ⅲ砂层组,其次是火一Ⅰ砂层组和火一Ⅳ砂层组。


    Abstract: The study of sedimentary facies has been conducted for the first member of Huoshiling Formation of Dongling Area, Changling Fault Depression, and the south of Songliao Basin with coring, logging and seismic data. It is believed that fan delta facies and lacustrine face are well developed in the first member of Huoshiling Formation, of which fan delta facies can be subdivided into delta plain and delta front subfacies. The delta plain subfacies consists of braided channel and interdistributary channel microfacies. The delta front subfacies consists of under water distributary channel, interdistributary bay, mouth bar, distalbar and front sheet sand microfacies. The lacustrine facies can be subdivided into semi-deep lacustrine and deep lacustrine subfacies. Through study on sedimentary facies distribution of the first member of Huoshiling Formation, it is concluded that the sand bodies are mainly distributed in the Huo-Ⅱ and Huo-Ⅲ sand group, secondly in Huo-Ⅰ sand group and Huo-Ⅳ sand group in the first member of Huoshiling Formation.


