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杨春, 魏勇, 张凯, 陈杨, 李宁, 魏跃程. 高分辨率年代地层技术在三角洲沉积砂体形态刻画中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2012, 32(3): 52-56. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.03.052
引用本文: 杨春, 魏勇, 张凯, 陈杨, 李宁, 魏跃程. 高分辨率年代地层技术在三角洲沉积砂体形态刻画中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2012, 32(3): 52-56. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.03.052
YANG Chun, WEI Yong, ZHANG Kai, CHEN Yang, LI Ning, WEI Yuecheng. Application of High Resolution Chronostratigraphic Techniques to Description of Delta Sand Bodies[J]. Offshore oil, 2012, 32(3): 52-56. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.03.052
Citation: YANG Chun, WEI Yong, ZHANG Kai, CHEN Yang, LI Ning, WEI Yuecheng. Application of High Resolution Chronostratigraphic Techniques to Description of Delta Sand Bodies[J]. Offshore oil, 2012, 32(3): 52-56. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2012.03.052


Application of High Resolution Chronostratigraphic Techniques to Description of Delta Sand Bodies

  • 摘要: 根据倾角及方位角属性信息检测出地层同相轴,在常规分界面的限制范围内对整个地震数据体进行追踪,生成高于地震分辨率的地层界面,并将其排列到地层层序中以形成年代地层。由于年代地层的分辨率高于地震数据体的分辨率,因而能够清楚的从地震等时体上分析沉积层序地层和雕刻出等时地质体,所以可以用来追踪各种地质沉积背景下的砂体。在年代地层算法及计算参数优选基础上建立年代地层格架,结合测井解释标定砂体顶底界面,在多条线道号剖面上完成砂体年代地层追踪,最终完成砂体形态刻画,同时建立了一套用于三角洲沉积砂体形态刻画研究的年代地层研究方法。


    Abstract: The seismic reflection events can be detected based on the seismic attributes such as dip angle and azimuth information, and all seismic data cube can be traced within the limits of the normal interface. In addition, the stratigraphic interface with higher resolution than seismic data can be generated, and be arranged in stratigraphic sequence to form the chronostratigraphy. Because the chronostratigraphic resolution is higher than the resolution of seismic data, geologist can analyze clearly the sedimentary sequence stratigraphy, and isochronal geological bodies can be engraved on the seismic data. Therefore, chronostratigraphy can be used to trace sand bodies formed in all kind of geological depositional background. With chronostratigraphy algorithm and calculation parameters optimization, chronostratigraphy framework has been established, and the top and bottom interfaces can be traced through well logging interpretation. In addition, chronostratigraphy of sand body can be traced on multiple sections of the seismic data, and the sand body description is finally finished. Through this study, the chronostratigraphy research method suitable for sand body description in background of delta deposition has been developed.


