Structure characteristics of foreign cantilever beams of the jack-up drilling platform
摘要: 系统阐述了悬臂梁底座自升式钻井平台的结构形式,并对比分析了各种悬臂梁结构形式的特点:常规悬臂梁形式应用普遍,制造水平要求低;X-Y型悬臂梁结构布置更为紧凑,覆盖范围广,但其应用专利保护,造价昂贵;旋转型悬臂梁及增强改进型悬臂梁结构形式复杂,对移动导轨及滑动块制造技术要求高,未获得广泛推广。对比了各种常规悬臂梁底座的三种滑移方式:棘爪滑移、销轴滑移及齿条滑移方案。其中,销轴步进推移的方式由于其结构简单、实现功能方便而被推崇。最后给出了当前悬臂梁选型的目标。Abstract: Structures of cantilevers of jack-up drilling platforms is discussed and characteristics of various structures of the cantilever beam are analyzed. Traditional cantilever is applied widely and manufacturing technologies are not high. XY-cantilever beams have compact structure arrangements and large coverage. But it is patented worldwide and is very expensive. Rotating cantilever and improved cantilever are not widely used because of their complicated structures and its high request for moving rail or sliding shoe. Comparison is made among the three types of skidding of the traditional cantilever base-pawl movement, pin roll movement and gear-rack movement. Among them, pin roll movement is adopted widely because of its simple structure and convenient function implementation. The type selection of present jack-up drilling platforms is discussed.