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牛丽伟, 刘晓光. 弱碱三元复合驱过程中黏度和界面张力变化规律实验研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2009, 29(4): 61-64. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2009.04.061
引用本文: 牛丽伟, 刘晓光. 弱碱三元复合驱过程中黏度和界面张力变化规律实验研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2009, 29(4): 61-64. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2009.04.061
Niu Liwei, Liu Xiaoguang. Experimental study on changing law of viscosity and interfacial tension in weak base ASP flooding[J]. Offshore oil, 2009, 29(4): 61-64. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2009.04.061
Citation: Niu Liwei, Liu Xiaoguang. Experimental study on changing law of viscosity and interfacial tension in weak base ASP flooding[J]. Offshore oil, 2009, 29(4): 61-64. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2009.04.061


Experimental study on changing law of viscosity and interfacial tension in weak base ASP flooding

  • 摘要: "碱/表面活性剂/聚合物"三元复合驱油技术以其良好的增油效果而受到石油科技工作者的广泛重视,但驱油剂价格高和在油藏内损失量大一直制约着该项技术的大规模推广应用。为了解三元复合驱过程中驱油剂黏度和界面张力变化特征,以相似理论为指导,利用现代物理模拟技术和仪器检测方法,开展了三元复合驱过程中驱油剂黏度和界面张力变化及其影响因素研究。结果表明,随着注入量或PV数的增加,油藏内各处三元复合体系黏度增大、界面张力值降低。在注入PV数相同条件下,距注入井愈近,三元复合体系黏度愈大、界面张力愈低。因滞留和稀释作用的影响,三元复合体系在油藏内运移过程中黏度和界面张力分别呈现不断降低和升高趋势。


    Abstract: Alkali/surfactant/polymer flooding has been drawn great attention by petroleum workers because of its good effects on increasing oil recovery. But it was not used extensively for the high price of flooding a-gents and its great loss in reservoir. In order to understand changing characteristics of viscosity and interfa-cial tension of flooding agent in ASP flooding, directed by similarity theory, using physical simulation and instrumental detection, researches on changes and influential factors of viscosity and interfacial tension of flooding agent in ASP flooding were carried on. The results show that viscosity increases and interfacial tension decreases as the increase of the injection rate or PV. If the PV is the same, the nearer from the in-jection well, the higher the viscosity is and the lower the interfacial tension is. Because of retention and di-lution of ASP system, viscosity decreases and interfacial tension increases during the migration of ASP sys-tem in reservoir.


