Analyzing the Sand-body Character in the Fan Deltaic Reservoir, South of Beimazhuang Oilfield
Graphical Abstract
Character of fan delta sand body is confined by sediments resource, sedimentary landform, and sedimentary environment, etc.In order to get know ledge about the fan delta sand-body character in the reservoir in south of Beimazhuang oilfield.This paper, using present sedimentology, logging and seismic exploration methods, give a detail analysis of sedimentary environment, distinguished character, plane distribution character and section distribution character. This paper also identifies a special fan delta-the hung rysub marine fan delta, which growing in fault depression when short of sedimentary resource, and weak water energy. The results indicate that the fan delta is of obvious gravity flow sedimentary character, and the distributary channel of which is non-developed and the shape of sedimentary sand body like rim of skirt. The sand body ex tends shorter, fast convergence and thin, belonging to a near resource fast sediment type. Sedimentary sand body grows five terms sediment as the lake surface changes.