Paleogene stratigraphic sequence and sedimentary feature in the west of Weixinan Depression
Graphical Abstract
At hydrocarbon exploration stage, using the theory of sequence stratigraphy to study sedimentary feature is a common method at present. At the initial stages of exploration with few exploratory wells, usu-ally use the drilling and seismic data and combine them to study tertiary sequence's sedimentary features. Through the analysis of the drilling data, explain stratigraphic sequence and sedimentary cycle in single well and multiwells. Combining the drilling and seismic data, explain seismic strata on seismic profile, establish stratigraphic sequence frame and analyse seismic facies and sedimentary facies. Combining the analysis of structural setting and palaeotopography, analyse and predict the plane characteristic of sedimentary faceis and sedimentary system and the process of sedimentary evolution on research area.