Exploratory and Economic Evalution on Group-style Gas Field in Pingbei Zone of the East China Sea
Graphical Abstract
Pingbei Zone is a petroleum-enriched area consisted by a group of fault blocks. In order to well understand its complex seal system of fault-planes and lateral change of reservoirs, and to solve the problem that the individal gas pool found in the Zone does not have good profit for developing,the fllowing studies have mainly heen concerned:fault seal analysis, reservoir tracing, analysis on the distribution feature of abnormal pressure, economic evaluation for developing technology. It is a outcome that Pingbei Zone can form a group-style gasfield based on about dozen adjacent faultblocks. According to the total reserve that was preliminary estimated, it shall belong to a big-medium size gasfield on the sea, and it is quite qualified to become a succeeding area of Pinghu oil/gas field. It is the most economic plan to rent the pipelines of Pinghu field to send gas to land.