Paleogene clastic reservoir which mainly controlled by the syndepositional faults in Shanghe Oilfield
Graphical Abstract
Because Shanghe oilfield is the multistage tectonic belts and the multi-level slope belt, clastic reservoir properties has its regular pattern. By analyzing a large amount of data of reservoir properties, combined with thin-section petrograph, it is considered that the same stratum in the Shanghe oilfield is gradually getting worse and worse which from north to south from Shang 1 area, Shang 2 area, Shang 3 area to Shang 4 area. But in the same area, the reservoir properties are getting worse and worse with increasing burial depth. Reservoir properties of rocks in different sedimentary facies of the same area are different:delta-front subaqueous mouth dam have the most effective reservoir properties, secondly is the delta-front subaqueous distributary channel, the worst is the far-forth dam. It is considered that reservoir character is affected by both sedimentary facies and diagenesis, and diagenesis are affected by the depth. Because boundary faults of the Shanghe oil field are sedimentary faults, the stratum depth and sedimentary facies distribution are controled by the active faults, so the sedimentary faults of the constructure is the the main controlling factor of the Shanghe oilfield.